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محتوى الحصة
  1. لغة إنجليزية 3AS الدورة السنوية 2024

    1. presentation
    2. present simple and present continuous tense
    3. past simple and past continuous
    4. present perfect-past perfect- future simple
    5. ethics in business introduction
    6. expressing condition using provided that
    7. expressing cause and result using so...that-such.....that حصة تعويضية
    8. the causees and consequences of the ilegal acts
    9. the consequences of th illegal activities +final ed+final s
    10. expressing strong advice and recommendation
    11. the solutions of the illegal practices+ syllable
    12. the drawbaks of fake products+expressing wishes and regret
    13. causes, consequences and solutions of child labour
    14. the importance of ethics in business+ whole practice
    15. unless
    16. safety first ( unit introduction)
    17. expressing concession
    18. expressing cause and consequence 03
    19. the impact and the solutions of junk food
    20. expressing certainty and doubt and future changes
    21. reported speech
    22. food safety as a major challenge + the letter of complaint
    23. food safety as a major challenge + the letter of complaint
    24. safety first assessment
    25. astronomy_and_the_solar_system_unit_introduction
    26. expressing similarities and differences + description of a heavenly
    27. let's get ready for exams safety irst assessment
    28. asking questions
    29. the use of quantifier
    30. expressing_purpose_+_description_of_a_heavenly_body
    31. astronomy exam
    32. astronomy assessment
    33. feelings and emotions
    34. bac exams
    35. bac exams

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الثالثة رياضيات  >  ثانوي  >  اللغة الإنجليزية

present perfect-past perfect- future simple

للأستاذ: حسام بوقزولة