العودة إلى الصفحة السابقة
محتوى الحصة
  1. إنجليزية 4AM الدورة السنوية 2024

    1. diagnostic test
    2. review and presenttation of the program
    3. sequence-one
    4. sequence one i listen and do
    5. sequence one passive voice
    6. sequence one biography and comparatives
    7. sequence one comparatives
    8. itinirary and qualifires
    9. cause and effect and silent letters
    10. review and i read and do
    11. i read and do - i learn to integrate -i think and write
    12. revision exam
    13. sequence one consolidation
    14. sequence two i listen and do
    15. sequence two i listen and do
    16. sequence two superlative and tenses
    17. tenses review and when and while
    18. when and while and prefixes
    19. j k rowlings - prefixes and like unlike whereas
    20. like unlike whereas and the present perfect
    21. kateeb yacine and test samples
    22. sequence two cosolidation
    23. i read and do
    24. zohra drif and kateb yacine and intro to sequence three
    25. sequence three
    26. conditional type 1 and exam samples
    27. conditional type 1 and gerund
    28. conditional type one and gerund
    29. expressing opinion and citizenship
    30. advice and pronunciation
    31. how to write about charity and citizenship
    32. charity citizenship and globalisation
    33. globalisation and test samples
    34. exam samples
    35. exam samples
    36. exam preparation

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الرابعة  >  متوسط  >  إنجليزية

revision exam

للأستاذ: أمين غنام