محتوى الحصة
  1. إنجليزية 2AM الدورة السنوية 2024

    1. presentation
    2. diagnostic test
    3. simple present and sequence one
    4. sequence one physical appearance part 2
    5. sequence one physical appearance and prepositions
    6. prepositions of place
    7. school amenities - possessive pronouns and p.adjectives
    8. abilities and hobbies and test preparation
    9. i read and do and test preparation
    10. i read and do and i learn to integrate
    11. sequence two i listen and do
    12. sequence02 much some many some and any
    13. demonstratives ordinal numbers and plurals
    14. english exam preparation
    15. directions and plural forms
    16. directions and plural forms
    17. i read and do and consolidation
    18. the imperative and consolidation
    19. i learn to integrate i think and write
    20. sequence three i listen and do
    21. should and shouldn't and test samples
    22. test preparation
    23. giving advice and pronunciation
    24. giving advice practise
    25. i read and do and exam preparation
    26. exam samples
    27. advice and sequence three test samples
    28. sequence four
    29. sequence four future with will and going to
    30. future and weather
    31. going to and weather
    32. i read and do and test samples
    33. test and exam samples
    34. exam sample
    35. exam samples
    36. exam samples

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